Woman's wall post:
"Daughter was in store and kept asking for stuff. I told her she better marry a rich man so he can buy her all this stuff. Apparently the women standing next to us heard what I said and told me, "Or she could get an education and a good job and buy the stuff for herself!" So I told her apparently they don't teach people to mind their own business in college,"
I responded to her post like this:
"Well, she is right. Just because she has a vagina doesn't mean she should get a free ride on life. No pun intended."
So while I got my point across I also joked a bit because it wasn't that serious.
Now what happened next is what kind of pissed me off.
Different woman's response on her wall post copied EXACTLY from Facebook:
"sounds like that lady wasn't smart enough to go to college because then she would know that is so much easier to marry a rich man than try to get ahead in this society of men."
My exact response:
"WHOA. Wait a second. I thought that women were equal and just as good as men."
Her exact response:
"Not in the eyes of corporate America...women still get paid less for doing more."
So this is what spurred this weeks topic. Also, I asked my friend to write on this subject. I will post what he thought at the end of this.
So, My Take:
For a long time there has been the argument that women are under appreciated, over worked, and under paid. Throughout history this has been true. It has been true until the last few years.
A quick search with my good friend Google shows that over the past five years that ON AVERAGE women make more money than men. There are more male millionaires and billionaires by a wide margin but ON AVERAGE women make more money. And its not a small amount either. In 2009 women made an average of 6.5% more yearly than men. That's a pretty good amount.
So now that I put that myth to rest lets tackle the "marry a rich man" topic.
Its been done for tons of years and still happens today. Men like vagina. Alot. So much in fact that it significantly sways our judgement when it is offered to us. This is not our fault. We are programmed to reproduce. Its our job. So when a woman offers us a chance to do what we are programmed to do, our minds take over and tell us GO GO GO. Even if we know damn well that we shouldn't our bodies still press on.
The issue is that women have figured this out and exploit it. To the FULLEST. Women know that we like vagina and they have figured out that if they offer it up then men will do alot of things (like pay for everything) against our better judgement. This type of woman is called a "Gold Digger".
Now, there are alot of women who solely rely on this tactic to make it through life. There are alot of women who don't use this tactic at all and are completely self reliant. I give respect to those women who have done it on their own and can buy everything for themselves. However, MOST women use this tactic in someway to gain an "edge". Cmon, women you know you do it. Don't pretend like you don't. I'm not saying you go up to your boss and offer to have sex for a promotion, but I am saying that if dressing a little sexier or doing some slight flirting will give you an edge up you will. How about if you get pulled over by a cop for speeding?
This is also programmed into women. Its their job to find a solid mate that can provide for their offspring. So women "put themselves out there". They then choose who they think will be the best provider and that's who they choose to reproduce with. Animals still do it today, just in much simpler ways.
So the one woman said that the only way to be successful in today's "society of men" is to marry someone rich. Well, I say you are uneducated and most likely had some bad experience in which you THOUGHT that because you are a woman that's the only reason it happened. Why? Because all the other unsuccessful women blame it on that statement so why shouldn't you?
Did he actually do it because you are a woman? Sure there is a SLIGHT chance, but more than likely it was because of your performance.
So that's my take on this subject, here is what my boy Nigel had to say:
My homeboy put me on to a little conversation that was had between a few people that got into an argument. Apparently little girl was in the store and was pointing out everything saying she wanted this, that, this, and that. So the mother told her daughter that she needs to marry a rich man so he can buy her everything. So this other lady interjected and said "why don't she go to college and get a good job and buy those things yourself." Apparently she replied with " Do they teach you to mind your business in college?" However (comma) that is not the question that is at hand but it is the argument I am about to present. My homeboy Kris told me about this (Shout Out goes to my homie Kris Jensen for this. Check out his blog page at www.kriscostake.blogspot.com). Anyway, one of his friends said "Sounds like that lady wasn't smart enough to go to college because then she would know that it is so much easier to marry a rich man to get ahead in this society of men." Really?!?
Now here is where I come in... I agree with Kris when he said to her that he thought that women were equal and just as good as men. So then she brought up the point of women still being paid less in corporate america for doing more. Hmmm........ But it is not true. Now most women in the work force make more than the man.
Seriously, do some of yall women really think that way and tell your daughters to not get an education and not learn to be independant and just marry a rich man so he can buy you everything? Women like that make me sick. Guys referr to those women as "Gold Digging Hoes"... Society has made it out to be that just because you are a woman you get away with a lot of stuff. Now I am not talking about the women who can hold it down on their own. I respect those women to the fullest. But I don't like those ones who all they want to do is go out all day and shop, look online and buy a new hand bag and matching shoes not even have the ambition to contribute to the cause. A relationship is about taking care of each other not about him taking care of her, or vice versa. What were to happen if he were to lose money and now he is stuck, can a woman like that help the family out? No because Mommy told her to marry a rich man so she wouldn't have to work and have him buy everything.
Now me being in the military, I see all the time women saying that they can do the job as good as any man. Which is true, I have seen women who can get down and dirty with the guys. Although, I have seen women who the only thing they do is just flirt with the supervisor just to get out of doing work. Wearing the uniform just a bit too small so it can show off what the working with, bending over and stuff trying to entice the supervisor so they will get out of doing jobs. I have seen it happen, and it still happens. Women intentionally get pregnant to get out of going on a ship's deployment. It happens all the time. Don't believe me, ask somebody on a ship that has females on it. A couple of months right before deployment, it becomes a sexfest with some these females, and will sleep with random guys to get prego. Why do you think the divorce rate is so high for some of the navy families? Why do you think that a lot of the guys in the military are on their 2nd and sometimes 3rd marriage? Some of yall want to be treated equal, and when you are treated equally as "one of the guys" you complain. You might think I am wrong, but I am just sayin...
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