Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blogcast done.

Got the video done. Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done Kris. I 100% agree with you on the the Pledge. If people don't want to say it then, don't say it. But just I hope the look at themselves when ever they pay cash for something and hoping and praying that they have enough, because on the back of any Federal Reserve note, aka, a Dollar bill it says "In God We Trust"...

    As far as inflation is concerned, The American People are unaware to the fact that the country will never get out of debt, ever. The financial market is not designed to. For the country to get out of debt, every person in America will have to be debt free. But the economic stand point is that this is a more updated version of modern day slavery. Back then when the country was established, slavery was just the slave owners saying "bail that fu_king cotton or we will beat you and your kids and kill you" Nowadays, it more like, work at this damn job or get fired and we will take your house car and money away from you and your family. But I am just sayin...
