Thursday, August 19, 2010

Internet Explorer vs Mozilla Firefox vs Google Chrome

I'm going to do this one a little differently. I'm going to analyze this debate from two different standpoints:
  1. Educated, involved computer user.
  2. Wtf is a browser user.
Number one is what I consider myself. I know a good amount about computers and am actively learning new things about computers.

Number two is like my mom. She can check her email but that's about as far as her knowledge goes.

So, here is My Take:

First I'm going to lay out what I believe are the pros and cons:


Internet Explorer
  • Years of experience
  • Backed by Microsoft
  • Large budget
  • Compatible with everything
Mozilla Firefox
  • Tons of extensions or "apps"
  • Fast
  • Easily customizable
  • Fairly secure
Google Chrome:
  • Huge budget
  • Very fast
  • Simple and easy to use
Now lets take a look at the cons:

Internet Explorer
  • The most hacked of all the browsers
  • Click a link, go make a sandwich. SLOW.
  • Requires a lot of memory to run, which in turn slows down your computer
  • Microsoft has ventured away from putting a lot of effort into improving it
Mozilla Firefox
  • Not so much funding
  • Not compatible with everything
  • Faster than IE but still takes a lot of memory to run
Google Chrome
  • Not as many extensions as FireFox
  • Not compatible with everything
  • Still fairly new so there are a few bugs
So lets take a look at this from the "Number One" perspective.

I have personally done testing and have used all three. I will never use Internet Explorer again based on the fact that Microsoft has basically deemed it good enough and no longer actively updates it. Not to mention its SLOW AS HELL. Oh and I am not a big fan of being hacked either. If I run into a issue where a website will only work in IE, there are extensions that allow Firefox and Chrome to view it IE style.

I have been a longtime user of Firefox but recently I got a lot of recommendations to use Google Chrome. After using it I am now a Google Chrome user. Here's why:

Google Chrome is FAST. I mean FAST. It loads up webpages almost instantly. While it doesn't have as many "apps" as Firefox it does have all the ones I need and used in Firefox. It doesn't require nearly as much memory to run so everything else my computer is doing runs faster. Google is constantly updating/fixing bugs which means any issues are usually resolved very fast.

So what about the "Number Two" perspective?

Google Chrome is VERY simple. It doesn't have alot of extra crap, no extra toolbars at the top. This makes it extremely easy to use. Plus once again, its fast :)

Let me know your thoughts on this debate, and don't forget to vote in the poll.

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